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Himalayas - WikipediaThe Himalayan region is dotted with hundreds of lakes. 42 Pangong Tso, which is spread across the border between India and China, at the far western end of Tibet, is among the largest with a surface area of 700 km2 (270
Peru - WikipediaBy 1859, some 41,000 Peruvians had died in the constant civil wars that shook the country since 1829. Thanks to the money from the sale of guano, Peru began to modernize with different public works such as railways; the
Borneo House - Indonesia Wooden Makingwooden house making in indonesia, the construction of the house symbolizes the division of the macrocosm into three regions: the upper world, the seat of deities and ancestors
Sunbird Hotels and Resorts | MalawiSunbird Hotels and Resorts with seven hotels and resorts located in premier destinations, providing upmarket accommodation for business and leisure travellers. Sunbird Hotels also have meeting and conference facilities,
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Enjoy Umbria: walking cycling tours and Food wine activitiesUmbria, green landscapes, and beautiful medieval hilltop villages make it a paradise for outdoor activities, delicious food divine wines
Best Diagnostic Centre, Pathology Lab in India | Lucid DiagnosticsLucid Diagnostics offers comprehensive list of the best pathology labs in India that will help you find the most reliable and accurate diagnostic centre for your needs.
Regions | UNISON NationalUNISON branches are grouped into 12 regions which cover the UK. Each region has its own head office and a regional council made up of delegates from all branches in the region.
Regions and Local | VDEMVDEM opened regional offices in each of its seven operating regions in 2017. Each office, led by a Chief Regional Coordinator and a team of ...
Regions | International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)There are three regional IARU organizations corresponding to the three ITU Radio Regions:
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